Triglyceride Glucose Index (TyG)

The triglyceride and glucose index is a screening method for insulin resistance that is very simple to use and only requires two laboratory determinations: serum triglycerides and serum glucose.

According to a study by Salazar et al. insulin resistance cut off is placed at the TyG index value of 4.49. Subjects with an index of 4.49 or greater are likely to suffer from insulin resistance.

A recent cross sectional study by Zhang et al. aimed to determine the predictive value of TyG for NAFLD (Fatty Liver Disease). A TyG above 4.6 indicates the possible presence of fat in the liver.

About The Author:

Dr. Brian Mowll is a certified diabetes care and education specialist, master diabetes educator, and the medical director of SweetLife Diabetes Health Centers. He is the six-time host of the global Diabetes Summit, and of the #1 rated Mastering Blood Sugar podcast. He also serves of
the board of the Low Carb Diabetes Association.

Dr. Mowll has been helping patients and clients around the world to reverse type 2 diabetes and blood sugar problems through his personalized blood sugar programs for over 20 years. In addition, he speaks at health and diabetes conferences around the world and blogs at

Brian has four children and resides in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.



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