The NEW Mastering Blood Sugar Program Is The Premier Group Coaching Program
In The World For Optimizing Blood Sugar And Reversing Pre-Diabetes And Type 2 Diabetes

Limited Spots Available!!



Frustrated of dealing with high morning blood sugar readings?

Tired of your doctor just handing you more medications without trying to find out what's causing your blood sugar to go high?

Confused about which diet to follow to fix the problem, like a low fat, plant-based diet or a low carb, ketogenic diet, or something in between?

Sick of sticking your fingers everyday and taking a bunch of pills that are just masking the problem instead of fixing it?

Worried about losing your eyesight, your limbs, having a heart attack or stroke, kidney failure, or developing dementia or Alzheimer's Disease?

I Understand Your Frustration.
It's Time To Get Some Answers.


The premier group blood sugar coaching program in the world, designed to optimize blood sugar and
reverse pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, using a natural, root-cause approach.


94% of our clients are able to reduce or eliminate medications, including insulin, while improving blood sugar and HgA1c levels


Our program upregulates detoxification and supports the liver, reducing liver fat


Our clients, who need to lose weight, on average lose 12% of their body weight in fat loss


Improving blood sugar and reversing insulin resistance leads to less diabetes complications and better health


99% of our clients are able to reduce their fasting and post-meal blood glucose levels


We help customize the right diet for each individual client based on their health and blood sugar


98% of our clients reduce their HgA1c score, and 88% are able to be in the target range at the end of their care program


The majority of our clients notice improved energy and increased fat buring in our program


During our program, our clients learn to prioritize physical activity and become more active


Ask your doctor this… “If I take this medication for a few months, will my diabetes go away? Will I be able to stop taking it at some point?”  

Guess what the answer from your doctor will be… Of course not! They will tell you that there is no cure. That type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease that will get worse over time.  

That in all likelihood, you’ll be prescribed more medications over the next few years. And that you’ll eventually start to develop complications like heart and vascular disease, kidney problems, nerve issues, eye problems, and others.

Conventional doctors use something called the "standards of care" to treat problems like diabetes, which relies almost entirely on drugs and medications.

Even when doctors do send you to a dietitian or diabetes educator, if they are working with your insurance or in a hospital setting, they also MUST follow the standards of care, which is based on a high carbohydrate, processed food diet.

In fact, most hospital dietitians tell their patients to eat 40-60 grams of carbohydrate per meal! No wonder people aren’t getting any better using the conventional medical management of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.


I still believe that most doctors, dietitians, and diabetes educators are well-intentioned. They are good people. The problem is that they’re misinformed. And they are misinforming their patients.

For you to fix your blood sugar and prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes, you need a different solution. An approach that is holistic, comprehensive, natural, sensible, and that addresses the root cause of diabetes, rather than the symptoms.  

The approach that we use in the Mastering Blood Sugar program is a coaching model based on the principles of Functional Medicine. Instead of focusing on symptoms, we evaluate the whole person and addresses the root cause of the high blood sugar to reverse the condition.

My goal is to help your body and blood sugar system function normally again, so that you can eliminate medications and insulin, instead of adding more (which is what typically happens with conventional diabetes care).  

And that’s exactly what happens in the Mastering Blood Sugar Program. We see our clients completely turn their health and lives around.


"I've been working with Dr. Mowll and the dietitian he recommended for about four months now. This guy is the real deal. When my endocrinologist mentioned insulin, I knew I had to do something different. In the past four months, I've lost 32 pounds and my blood sugar has normalized. That same endo has now taken me off two medications and said, "whatever you're doing, keep doing it". I can't begin to tell you how good that feels and how thankful I am. This program works.

- Jake F.

"Dr. Mowll, I would like to thank you for all of your help this past year. I started out at over 70 units of insulin, and I have been able tocut that number in half. My A1c was around 10, and my lowest number recently was 6.4%. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity and I fell I have accomplished so much. You have given me great tools to work with when I get no help from my endocrinologist. God's blessings.

- Joanne S.

"I find your expertise quite helpful. I do not have good support and do not want to go back to my endocrinologist. He only spends 6 minutes/visit and then just writes prescriptions with little concern with what is happening in my life. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!"

- Bonnie A.

Our Clients Get Results Like These:

Stop the progression of pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes and turn their health around. As a result, they have more peace of mind and less worry.

Reduce or eliminate many or all of their medications, including insulin (T2DM).
As a result, they feel more independant and free.

Lose weight (if needed), feel better, gain more energy, and get more active and fit.
As a result, they get to spend more time with their families and enjoy their grandkids.

Optimize their blood sugar, HgA1c, Lipids, blood pressure, and other important lab findings. As a result, they feel safer and have lower risk of developing problems.

Improve the quality of their lives by improving their health and blood sugar.
As a result, they can travel more, enjoy their retirement, and feel happier.


First, remember that there is no “one size fits all” approach that works. In the Mastering Blood Sugar Program, we customize the dietary, physical activity, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations to you as an individual. That’s how we get such consistent and effective results.

If you have type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, or high blood sugar, there are really only a few options for what you can do. It’s like you’re driving, and you come to a fork in the road. You can go straight, veer to the left, or veer to the right. You can’t go all three ways at the same time… you have to choose your direction.

Which Will You Choose?


I still believe that most doctors, dietitians, and diabetes educators are well-intentioned. They are good people. The problem is that they’re misinformed. And they are misinforming their patients.

For you to fix your blood sugar and prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes, you need a different solution. An approach that is holistic, comprehensive, natural, sensible, and that addresses the root cause of diabetes, rather than the symptoms.  

The approach that we use in the Mastering Blood Sugar program is a coaching model based on the principles of Functional Medicine. Instead of focusing on symptoms, we evaluate the whole person and addresses the root cause of the high blood sugar to reverse the condition.

Our goal is to help your body function normally again, so that you can eliminate medications and insulin, instead of adding more (which is what typically happens with conventional diabetes care).  

And that’s exactly what happens in the Mastering Blood Sugar program. We see our clients completely turn their health and lives around.


The NEW Mastering Blood Sugar program is designed to provide high-level, professional guidance from the leading experts in functional medicine-based diabetes care. As part of the program, you'll receive access to our award-winning online materials, weekly seminar and support calls, private community forum, bonus content, and more!


"I started the program almost a year ago. Thanks to following it faithfully, I have hit my goal weight and then lost a few additional pounds. My past 3 A1cs have been 5.4% or lower. I am off both my blood pressure meds and my diabetes meds. Remember, every time you do the right thing, it's a win. Don't dwell on mistakes - focus on the prize."

- Charlene V.

"Dr. Mowll, thank you SO MUCH for this program. It is the best compilation of information about this disease that I have found. I have renewed hope and drive to wean off medication and reverse Type II diabetes through exercise, diet, and lifestyle change."

- Patrick H.

"I want to thank you, Dr. Mowll. This program was the answer to my prayers. I have type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and am taking alot of meds as well as insulin. It's been very frightening to say the least. Since starting, my blood sugars have all dropped within the normal range, and I'm over the moon... I just can't thank you enough. I finally have hope. I can't wait to see where I go from here. Thank you so much."

- Brenda F.


The Mastering Blood Sugar program is for motivated people who want high-level, functional medicine-based coaching support without a steep time and financial investment. There is no quick fix for diabetes and blood sugar problems, so we ask that you commit to your health and the program for 3 months. After 90 days, you can cancel (30 days notice), or stay in the program and your plan will automatically renew each month.



What Is Your Health Worth To You?

Consider this question: What is your health really worth to you?

This may sound harsh, but what is it worth to keep your eyesight, your feet and toes, your kidney function, sexual function, brain health, and clarity of mind?  

How about to avoid a heart attack, stroke, or dementia?  

Of course there are no guarantees with health, but by regaining control of your blood sugar and reversing pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, you could greatly reduce your risk of all of these problems… and isn’t that worth a lot?

I hope you think so. Otherwise, you probably should stop reading this now and move on to a different approach.

The average person with diabetes spends more than $13,000 per year. Have you thought about what you'll do if your medications are no longer covered by insurance or if you need to start using insulin (this happens a lot)?

An investment in your health NOW can save you tens of thousands of dollars over the rest of your life, not to mention the heartache and pain of dealing with diabetes complications.

The Mastering Blood Sugar program works. We've helped thousands of people over the past 20+ years to beat type 2 diabetes, burn fat, gain energy, get more active, overcome sugar and carb cravings, lower blood sugar and HgA1c, and reduce or eliminate medications.

What is it worth to you to regain your health and reverse diabetes?


The Mastering Blood Sugar program can help people who need to improve their blood sugar levels, and want to do it by finding and addressing the ROOT CAUSE, rather than just treating symptoms with drugs and medications.

Over the past 20+ years, we've helped thousands of people, all over the world, of various ages, with pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. We have clients who are underweight, overweight, and normal weight. Some of our clients are vegan, while others love to eat meat and other animal products. In fact, there is, most likely, more than one way to reach your goal, and we specialize in helping our clients find the best and quickest way there.

This program, however, is not for everyone. The Mastering Blood Sugar program is probably not a good fit for people who:

Are just exploring their options and focused more on gathering information than taking action

➡ Feel like they are already doing everything right and not open to making changes or following advice

➡ Are content with the way things are, and are not serious or willing to make a strong effort

➡ Do not make their health a top priority, and are not willing to invest in their health to get results

It’s time to be completely honest with yourself… if that’s you, then please do not join this program. You won't be happy with it, and we won't be able to help you get what you want.

On the other hand, if you have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes and are concerned about the problem, want to understand and address the root cause, recognize the value of an expert-led, functional medicine-based coaching model, and are willing to invest in your health and take action, then let's get started!


The Mastering Blood Sugar program is for motivated people who want high-level, functional medicine-based coaching support without a steep time and financial investment. There is no quick fix for diabetes and blood sugar problems, so we ask that you commit to your health and the program for 3 months. After 90 days, you can cancel (30 days notice), or stay in the program and your plan will automatically renew each month.

Just $197/month


When you enroll as a client in the Mastering Blood Sugar program, you'll receive these exceptional "fast action" bonuses. These bonuses will only be available for a limited time.

Kitchen Clean Up Video with Dr. Brian Mowll

In this video presention, Dr. Brian Mowll takes you into his kitchen and shows you how to clean it our to prepare for the changes that you'll make during the Mastering Blood Sugar program.

Learn which foods to keep and which ones to toss (donate), and how to look at labels to understand hidden ingredients which might be lurking in your pantry.

Grocery Store Tour with Dr. Brian Mowll

Dr. Brian Mowll walks you through the grocery store, highlighting the best and worst foods for blood sugar health, and how to fill up your cart for the Mastering Blood Sugar program.

Learn the best strategy for grocery shopping in a fun and practical way with Dr. Mowll's grocery store tour.

Dr. Mowll's Guide To Lab Assessment

Have you ever wondered which labs and exams are the most important to have, and how to best interpret them? If so, Dr. Mowll's Lab Assessment guide is exactly what you need.

This guide is jam-packed with basic, expanded, and functional lab guidelines, including functional lab ranges for optimal assessment.

Carb Counting Made Easy

Very few people enjoy counting carbohydrate grams, but it can be an important and necessary skill. In this guide, Dr. Mowll reveals his simple and effective strategy for counting carbs.

In this powerful and simple guide, learn the most important aspects of carb counting and how to do it right.

Do You Have Questions?
(We Have Answers)

Is it really possible to reverse diabetes?

Yes. We've helped hundreds of clients and patients reverse pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes with the Mastering Blood Sugar program. In addition, there are numerous studies using low carb, ketogenic, and energy-restricted diets, showing diabetes reversal.

What if I can't get on the calls live?

No problem! As a Mastering Blood Sugar client, you'll have access to Dr. Mowll's weekly seminar as well as the weekly open coaching Q&A call. If you can't make the live calls, you can submit your questions in advance and listen to the replay or download the seminar recording.

Will I have to starve myself on this plan?

Not at all. While we do incorporate various fasting strategies, and recommend reducing calorie-dense foods, our clients feel full and satisfied with their meals. The dietary guidance is based on real, whole foods, which are delicious, healthy, and satisfying.

Is this a Ketogenic Diet program?

No. While some of our clients choose to follow a ketogenic diet, there is no "one diet" that all of our clients follow. We work with our clients individually to help them determine and structure the right eating plan for their health and blood sugar levels in order to beat diabetes.

Can I do this program if I'm vegetarian?

Yes. While we don't generally recommend vegan or vegetarian diets (due to protein limitations), we have many clients who choose to follow "plant-based" diets. We help our clients to optimize their blood sugar on whichever dietary structure they choose to follow.  

Will I have to take lots of supplements?

No. While we may recommend certain evidence-based nutritional supplements for some clients, the Mastering Blood Sugar program is not a "supplement program". Many of our clients find that they take LESS supplements on this program because they don't need them as much.

What happens if I don't get results?

There is no "quick fix" for diabetes and blood sugar problems, and most of our clients work with us for 6-12 months. We ask that you give it at least 3 months to allow your body the best chance to heal. After that, you can cancel any time with 30 days notice.  

Do you offer any guarantees?

We have an extremely high success rate with over 98% of our clients achieving better blood sugar and HgA1c results. While it is not considered medically-ethical to offer financial guarantees, our commitment is to work closely with you to reach your goals and find a solution.


Dr. Brian Mowll is the founder and medical director of SweetLife® Diabetes Health Centers and serves clients worldwide as The Diabetes Coach™.  He is a certified diabetes care and education specialist (CDCES) master licensed diabetes educator (MLDE), and was one of the first doctors to be certified to practice functional medicine by the prestigious Institute for Functional Medicine (IFMCP).

Dr. Mowll helps people with all forms of diabetes properly manage their complex health conditions.  Additionally, with type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, his goal is to not just manage, but to reverse these conditions using a natural, personalized lifestyle approach.

Dr. Mowll has spent over 20 years focusing on clinical nutrition, physical activity, lifestyle management, functional medicine, and diabetes self-management education, and is widely recognized as a global leader and expert in the field.  He is the host of the annual “Diabetes Summit”, the #1 rated “Mastering Blood Sugar” podcast, and was named one of the top 50 functional medicine doctors in the world.